Saturday, May 23, 2009

Seussical the Musical News - Final

Seussical the Musical is Done!..... Again?

About a week ago, Seussical the Musical cast got together and had a mystery party. "Who Stole The Cookies?" Was the question.... and the answer.... it was me! Goldilocks did it! But not without the help of one Peter Pan....

It was all quite fun really. For my Goldilocks Costume I got to put of a Tweed Coat, a Texan Accent, and The Bernandez hat. It was really quite ingenious. I figured I would just go around and tell everyone... "Ya Know, I'm actually a lady."... To really quite some amazing reactions.

Good Fun. I got my Seussical Cleanup done too. I wouldn't be too surprised if I saw a 100% on my Report Card for Seussical when the year is done. (my last one said 94%, and that it would go up once Seussical cleanup was done, so why not?)

Forum For Young Canadians - Recap

So, I've gone to the Forums program, and I must simply rave about the fantastical experience it was!
Great People! Great Discussion! Interesting things! Neat Locations! A Week on Parliament Hill!

Most of our time was spent about a kilometer from the parliament buildings, that;s about how far we strayed. The Rideau Centre... The Lester B Pearson Building... Centre and West Block... And The Supreme Court of Canada....

Oddly enough, on the way there I discovered that I enjoy airports. Somehow, it seemed that I was the only one enjoying myself in the place.... People scurrying from one gate to the next, while I hopped, skipped, and jumped around, trying to find a Subway while I waited two hours for my departure.

I made a great deal of Freinds on the Forums Program. Had a little bit of trouble staying in touch... but we're all freinds on Facebook... if that means much.... probably not. Anywho, Jenelle was cool, and Heather. I'm really sad we aren't in contact more than just being freinds on facebook.

I would have to say that my favorite experience there was antagonizing the anti-gay marriage and abortion guy. Every day there was a wrinkled man out front of the Centre Block with signs saying things like "It's Adam and Eve! Not Adam and Steve! We went up to him and we debated our case. He got pretty flustered. If it wasn't for Jenelle's quick wit in calming him down with compliments at his tenacity, it probably would have resulted in a shouting match.

Anyway..... It was great fun, and I came out of it with memorable photographs, and an awesome T-Shirt! I would recommend it to anyone!

Wow.... Great Job at blogging, me!

I know I don't exactly have any followers, but sorry anyways. I have not posted anything on this blog in about 2-odd months. Mostly just smacking myself, but do not fear! This blog is intended as a great way for the Terrace and Kitwanga people to keep in touch with me once I dissapear into the great wide world, so I promise! From now on I will kepp everything UP TO DATE!!!

raaaaaawr! The awesome power of blogging!!!

(nobody's listening, arent they...)